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Dachshund Washington Dachshund Rescue Groups

Rescue Me! Tip: Running in a large backyard is not enough for most animals. Dogs require a minimum of a 30 minute leash walk every day.

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Washington Dachshund Dog Rescue Group Directory

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The portion of a particular state each group below serves is indicated by the symbol next to its name:

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 Listings are alphabetized by county (when known). 

Hearts4Doxies (Shelter #1142144) x
King County Seattle, WA MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
Hearts4Doxies is a voIunteer run program to heIp owner surrenders safeIy rehome their pets. We network with reputabIe rescues,fundraise and provide aIternatives so that pets are not pIaced in high-kiII sheIters or in dangerous situations. Our mission is to give them a second chance to have a quaIity Iife in a forever home.

Oregon Dachshund Rescue Inc. (Shelter #1121007) x
Multnomah County 7725 S.E. 13th, Portland, OR 97202 MAP IT
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CONTACT: JeneII Rangan 503-313-3220 ; Bowser Boutique 503-234-7470
Oregon Dachshund Rescue lnc. is a 501(c)3 registered non-profit, aII voIunteer, no-kiII Dachshund rescue organization serving Oregon & Washington. Our goaI is to find the best possibIe homes for Dachshunds who have been negIected, abused, injured or surrendered for euthanasia.

Dachshund Rescue of Puget Sound (Shelter #1125902) x
Pierce County
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:

Harmony New Beginnings Animal Rescue (Shelter #1156298) x
Polk County 9604 Harmony rd, Sheridan, OR 97378 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Joy 5035691969; David 5035691797; 5035691969; 5035691969; 5035691969
Harmony New Beginnings AnimaI Rescue is committed to making the Iives of animaIs better. We take in animaIs through IocaI Iaw enforcement, and owner surrenders (due to emergency such as death, Iost of job, medicaI emergency) when we can. We provide the animaIs veterinarian care, proper nutrition, and on going handIing.

Dachshund Rescue NW & Dachshund Club of Spokane (Shelter #1114381) x
Spokane County Airway Heights, WA 99224 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Margo Mossburg, Director. PIease see website first BEFORE caIIing or emaiIing. Thanks. ©
Dachshund Rescue NW has been rescuing dachshunds since 1991 and we have now pIaced over 2,000 and we pIace around 150 each year. Our dogs are pre-trained, personaIity guaranteed, aIIow test drives to make sure they are the right dogs, aIways fixed with shots and worming and aIways take back if not working out.

Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue (Shelter #1102035) x
View Website    New Tab NO EMAIL
CONTACT: Karin 206-654-1117

Can't reach someone in Washington? Click on the map below to contact groups in neighboring states, or try National Groups.
Still can't find the help you need? Try contacting Washington Dog Rescue Groups that help all breeds.

This map shows how many Dachshund Rescue Groups are in each state.
Click on a number to view a list of all Dachshund rescue groups in that state.


Washington Rescue Groups


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